Do you have the symptoms of Menopause?

Use our simple symptom checker to discover if you are symptomatic of the Menopause?

Use our simple questionnaire to establish if you are experiencing Menopause or Perimenopause symptoms

Blank Form (#3)

Question 1 of 8: Hot Flushes

Hot flushes are often one of the first symptom women experience when approaching their Menopause.

They may take the form of hot flushes during the day or night sweats are also common.

Question 1 of 8:

Question 2 of 8: Energy and Mood

The Menopause is a time of great hormonal change and you can often expect changes in your energy levels and mood.

Question 2 of 8:

Question 3 of 8: Your Periods

Changes to your menstrual cycle are also a common symptom of the menopause.

Question 3 of 8:

Question 4 of 8: Intimate Health

Changes in your libido (sexual appetite) and/or discomfort during intercourse are common early signs of the Menopause.

Question 4 of 8:

Question 5 of 8: Bones and Muscles

Increased joint pain and a decrease in overall muscle strength is a common part of the aging process, but it can also be an early sign of the menopause.

Question 5 of 8:

Question 6 of 8: Weight

Fluctuations in weight are common in all of us, but as your menopauses approaches you may find yourself putting on more weight around your middle or finding it harder then usual to lose weight.

Question 6 of 8:

Question 7 of 8: Headaches

Increases in both frequency and intensity of headaches is another common symptom of the menopause.

Question 7 of 8:

Question 8 of 8: Your Skin

Menopause can lead to drier skin, increased sensitivity, and the development of wrinkles due to hormonal changes which can be reduced with the correct care.

Question 8 of 8:

Your Results

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form. Based on your answers...

Your score was between 0 and 5

Based on this score, it is unlikely you are experiencing the early symptoms of the menopause, but if you are still unsure, you may want to book an appointment with your Doctor.

Your score was between 6 and 15

Based on this score, there is a slight chance that you may be approaching your menopause, especially if you are 50+ years of age. You may want to book an initial, free consultation with us to find out more.

To book an appointment, click the button below and complete the form.

Your score was over 15

Based on this score, you are certainly displaying multiple menopausal symptoms. You may want to book an initial, free consultation with us to find out more.

To book an appointment, click the button below and complete the form.

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Six Steps Circle

Tailored Menopause Support:

Our Six Step Process will tailor a plan just for you.

One size does not fit all when it comes to treating the menopause which is why we will take you through our six step process to determine an evidence based treatment for you and your menopause.

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Book your consultation:

Your menopause treatment starts here.

Make an initial consultation to find out more, consultations can be via video call or at one of our many UK locations.